Photo by John Sachs
Regional Growth Projections
Growth projections describe the challenges facing Metro Boston
To help the region and its communities plan for a changing and uncertain future, MAPC has prepared updated projections of population change, household growth, and housing demand for Metro Boston and its municipalities. The projections confirm that the aging and retirement of the Baby Boomers and the housing shortage will have profound implications for the region, and that our economic future depends on attracting more young workers and making our region a more affordable place to live. More than 200,000 new housing units--mostly multifamily, and mostly in urban areas--will be needed by the year 2050 if the region is to keep growing its economic base.
MAPC is a government research organization. It’s many research studies and publications are widely relied upon by lawmakers and other research organizations.
New in 2023!
Massachusetts Regional Household and Labor Force Projections and Subregional Allocation Documentation
Prepared for MassDOT Office of Transportation Planning
FINAL Population, Household, and Employment Projections 2010 - 2050 - MAPC
FINAL Population, Household, and Employment Projections 2010 - 2050 - Statewide