
Chelsea Local Energy Action Program

Project Background

MAPC began working with the City of Chelsea in 2010 to help the City implement a Strategic Energy Plan as part of its Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG)-funded efforts. MAPC worked with City departments to inventory and baseline building and vehicle energy use across the City, as well as document energy conservation achievements to date. MAPC met with stakeholders working to advance local energy action with Chelsea’s residents and businesses in order to develop a community-wide plan for energy action across sectors.

Programs & Initiatives

As part of the Energy Action Program in Chelsea, MAPC helped the City contract for energy savings improvements and infrastructure upgrades in municipal buildings, as well as pre-qualify a vendor to assess the City for solar potential. Peregrine Energy Group provided support for developing a plan to address improvements across City and School buildings.

MAPC also helped the City team up with other municipalities to purchase LED street lights in bulk, securing better pricing and creating momentum for the City’s comprehensive street lighting upgrades.

Download the plan