Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Siting Tool
The Green Stormwater Infrastructure Siting Tool is on an online, interactive spatial tool developed by MAPC to support Greater Boston municipalities in equity-centered siting of Green Stormwater Infrastructure. The online tool aims to help communities meet MS4 (municipal separate storm sewer system) requirements and reduce stormwater pollution while also considering the environmental, economic, and social benefits of green stormwater infrastructure and other climate resilience solutions.
The tool enables users to select a set of unique criteria for prioritizing where to best site green infrastructure in their municipality to improve water quality, reduce stormwater flooding, and/or provide additional benefits to communities. Users can filter potential sites based on criteria related to the following categories: land use and ownership, land cover characteristics, equity considerations, proximity to the drainage network, and overlap with sensitive land. Based on those criteria, the tool identifies potential sites for implementing Green Infrastructure. Users can add their own local data to better contextualize results.
Accompanying the tool is a field survey that allows municipal staff to take the data exported from the tool to conduct in-depth, on-site analysis about siting a Green Infrastructure project. The questions collect information about existing infrastructure and visible conditions of the site.
The project was developed in close partnership with a working group of municipal staff from the towns of Winchester, Reading, Natick, Norwood, and Franklin, with advisory groups from local watershed organizations as well as the Stormwater Innovation Center in Rhode Island.
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