‘Grow Smart Norwell’ Project Kicks Off
March 7 Forum Cancelled Due to Weather, to be rescheduled
For Immediate Release: Friday, February 23, 2018
NORWELL — Do you live in Norwell? Are you interested in helping to shape a future vision for economic development in town?
Join Norwell officials and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) for an interactive public forum on Wednesday, March 7, 2018 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Norwell Town Hall, 345 Main St., to learn more about an upcoming project and offer your input.
Norwell is working with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to create an economic development strategy that helps support local business and is responsive to the needs of community members. This public forum will give community members an opportunity to discuss growth in Norwell, and brainstorm potential future uses for the Accord and Assinippi industrial parks.
The meeting will include a presentation by MAPC on the goals of the project and the current conditions of the town, followed by small group discussions. Refreshments will be served and childcare may be provided; please contact MAPC for more information.
RSVP online at mapc.ma/norwellimagines!
To learn more about the Norwell economic development project, contact MAPC Economic Development Planner Josh Eichen at 617-933-0722 or [email protected] or visit www.mapc.org.