Smart Growth & Regional Collaboration
Lynn Creative Placemaking
MAPC’s Arts & Culture Department is leading the public engagement and selection process for a visually compelling art piece to identify the gateway and boundaries of the Downtown Lynn Cultural District.
The Director of the Downtown Lynn Cultural District, in partnership with the Lynn Department of Community Development, identified the need to mark the cultural district’s gateways, engage local residents more directly in the public art process, and act as a magnet, much like the city’s recently-painted murals, to draw visitors to downtown Lynn.
In preparation for this flagship signature art piece, the City, as it was reconstructing Mt. Vernon Street, set aside a large, circular portion of the sidewalk for its anticipated installation. Multiple inter-municipal organizations, residents, and members of our arts and cultural community have been working toward establishing this particular spot for a public piece of art visible from the sidewalk and the commuter rail. The art will act as a central gathering point, the heart of the community, and something that belongs to everyone.
The second step of this multi-pronged communal art piece is the extension of its details throughout the District.
MAPC is also working with the Downtown Lynn Cultural District, Kick It Up Consulting, the Lynn Department of Community Development, and the Lynn Creative Placemaking Advisory Group to build a long-term creative placemaking strategy that will expand the impact of the signature art throughout the district. To develop the strategy, MAPC is engaging residents, businesses, local institutions, and artists to identify areas of strength, emerging challenges, and a shared vision for a compelling work of art that has widespread community support.
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Laces of Lynn Chosen for "Lynnstallation"
The votes are in, and the Lynn community has chosen Kevin Orlosky’s Laces of Lynn as the city’s newest public art installation.
At the August 3 Lynn Public Arts Commission meeting, the Commission unanimously voted to approve Laces of Lynn. The Mayor officially approved the art concept to move forward the following day.
Get Involved
Each lace in the final sculpture will be fabricated out of 0.5-inch sheets of steel plasma cut into the shape of words, which the community will generate through workshops hosted by Orlosky Studio. Check out the upcoming workshops here.
- Add a word to Laces of Lynn!
- Añadir una palabra a Cordones de Lynn!
- добавить слово к Шнурки г. Lynn!
- បន្ថែមពាក្យទៅ Laces of Lynn!
- Ajoute mo nan Laces of Lynn!
For more information, please contact Annis Sengupta at [email protected].
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Project History
The Lynn Creative Placemaking Working Group (LCPWG) kicked the project off with a meeting on Feb. 20, 2019. In preparation for the meeting, participants completed a site survey to gather data about the site conditions and use that will inform the artist selection process and creative placemaking strategy. At the meeting, the group explored the potential for creative placemaking to engage with community members and social issues and established a set of shared values to guide the project.
On March 18, 2019 the Brickyard Collaborative hosted MAPC’s Creative Placemaking Workshop for Working Group members, Lynn staff, artists, and other potential partners. Workshop participants imagined the future of Mt. Vernon Street, discussed the challenges and opportunities that the public art project might address, and established the parameters of the concept selection process and engagement approach.
In summer 2020, MAPC, the City of Lynn, Downtown Lynn Cultural District, and Lynn Public Arts Commission issued a call for art for Lynnstallation, a signature work of art at Lynn's Mt. Vernon and Exchange Street Plaza. The call attracted 46 artists from across the U.S.
Six artists were chosen to develop their concepts in exchange for a modest fee. After an internal review, five of these concepts will be presented to the community.
The five artists presented their concepts at a public meeting on June 24, 2021. Afterwards, the public had a chance to vote on their favorite piece.
In August 2021, Kevin Orlosky's Laces of Lynn was selected as the final art piece after gaining the most votes.
Lynn Creative Placemaking Working Group
Convened by the Downtown Lynn Cultural District and Kick It Up Consulting, the Lynn Creative Placemaking Working Group includes representatives from businesses and organizations active in the Cultural District and in promoting arts and culture throughout Lynn. Organizations represented in the group include the Lynn Public Schools Fine Arts Department, Ironbound Marketplace, New Lynn Coalition, Brickyard Collaborative, the Food Project and Lynn Farmers Market, North Shore Community College, Khmer Cultural Planning Committee, and Lynn YMCA, as well as working artists. Together, this group is combining their collective experience to establish a shared vision and values the signature artwork on Mt. Vernon Street.
What Makes Lynn Special?
Convened by the Downtown Lynn Cultural District and Kick It Up Consulting, the Lynn Creative Placemaking Working Group includes representatives from businesses and organizations active in the Cultural District and in promoting arts and culture throughout Lynn. Organizations represented in the group include the Lynn Public Schools Fine Arts Department, Ironbound Marketplace, New Lynn Coalition, Brickyard Collaborative, the Food Project and Lynn Farmers Market, North Shore Community College, Khmer Cultural Planning Committee, and Lynn YMCA, as well as working artists. Together, this group is combining their collective experience to establish a shared vision and values the signature artwork on Mt. Vernon Street.

In 2012, the Massachusetts Cultural Council designated a portion of Downtown Lynn as one of the Commonwealth's inaugural Cultural Districts. Although appointed in 2012, the history of arts & culture activism in Downtown Lynn goes back decades. Countless individuals and organizations have contributed their time and energy to Downtown Lynn. The Downtown Lynn Cultural District (DTLCD) is a keeper of this movement and collaborates with cultural partners, both new and well-established, to foster a shared creative and cohesive vision for the city’s cultural community.
Massachusetts Cultural Council designates a portion of Downtown Lynn as one of the Commonwealth's inaugural Cultural Districts.
Lynn is among ten Gateway Cities selected to pilot the Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) Districts. The boundaries of the One Lynn District coincide with the boundaries of the Downtown Lynn Cultural District. The Downtown Lynn Cultural District hired its first Director to staff the district.
MassDevelopment hires a TDI Fellow for the City of Lynn.
Beyond Walls brings to life a public-arts movement resulting in large-scale murals and new lighting throughout the Downtown Lynn Cultural District with support from the TDI Fellow and TDI program.
The hiring of a new Director for the Downtown Lynn Cultural District (LCD) increases local capacity to build on the success of Beyond Walls by renewing the Downtown Lynn Cultural District’s state designation and expanding its boundaries. The Lynn Public Arts Commission launched under the leadership of the Director of the Downtown Lynn Cultural District.
Lynn is one of six communities in the Commonwealth invited to sign a Cultural Compact with the Massachusetts Cultural Council.
Learn More
Related Sites:
- Lynn Cultural District Website
- Lynn Community Television, "Living it up in the District"
- Lynn Creative Placemaking Site Survey
- Lynn Creative Placemaking Survey Results Summary