MAPC partnered with the City of Malden to prepare an Open Space and Recreation Plan for the city. The 2017 Malden Open Space and Recreation Plan updates and revises the 2010 Open Space and Recreation Plan approved by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. This Plan Update was prepared by the Malden Open Space and Recreation Plan Update Committee and the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, with the assistance of Malden residents, members of City boards, committees and staff, including the Malden Redevelopment Authority.
Over the last seven years, the City has worked to implement many of the action steps identified in the 2010 Plan, spending more than $20 million on open space and recreation projects. These improvements include completion of the Northern Strand Community Trail ($1.1 M); Macdonald Stadium Upgrades ($2.1M); High Rock Acquisition ($1.8M); Howard Park ($7.6M) and Waitts Mount ($1.5M).