
Clean Energy Toolkit Topioc: Design a School Energy Curriculum

Schools can be a valuable resource for distributing information about clean energy to youth and their parents. Energy-related curricula with entertaining and interesting hooks educate students about energy issues and increase their awareness of energy opportunities, both in terms of their current behavior and their future interests. The National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project provides energy education and support to teachers and students across the country with the goal of increasing youth understanding of energy issues. Teachers and students can access a range of educational materials, including activity guides, books, games, and puzzles.

This strategy highlights just a few of NEED’s curriculum options that have proven to be both cost-effective to implement and successful in improving knowledge and awareness of clean energy issues. The ability for schools to apply the recommendations for each topic will depend upon available resources, capacity, and student interest. Teachers and school administrators should assess which strategies will be most successful given the unique circumstances of their school. Read more.

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