The Conservation Subdivision Design (CSD) Project was conducted by MAPC in July 2000 and funded by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs. CSD is arguably the best reform made to traditional cluster-type zoning to date. This project is intended to serve as an educational tool particularly for town planners, planning boards, and developers. The project includes positive examples of cluster-type subdivision and outlines the benefits of land development practices that consider environmental, cultural, and fiscal resources as equally important priorities.
The CSD project consists of three components:
- a detailed planning discussion/commentary of the basic elements for consideration within a cluster-type open space subdivision bylaw;
- a model open space residential design/CSD bylaw and model subdivision regulations, and
- a casebook of four existing open space/cluster subdivisions in Massachusetts.
Sections 1 and 2 are available in one PDF and section 3 is available in another PDF.