
Main Street Corridor Study

Project Description

MAPC collaborated with Reading, Wakefield and Melrose to develop a coherent, forward-looking transportation plan. The Main Street Corridor Study looks at ways to improve upon the existing transportation network byreducing automobile traffic while promoting commuter rail, walking, bicycling and bus transportation.

This study addresses a full range of transit options and focuses on achieving sustainable development and land use objectives. Opportunities to implement compact growth and transit-oriented development strategies that can elevate Main Street to a greener, more accessible multi-modal transit corridor were explored. The Main Street Corridor Study’s goals and strategies will improve accessibility, coordinate transportation systems, promote healthy life-style choices, as well as conserve natural resources benefitting Reading, Wakefield and Melrose, and the region as a whole.


Nine goals were developed based on feedback from interactive community forums, meetings with the planners of Reading, Wakefield and Melrose, site visits, and research. Focusing on the needs of those who live, shop and travel along Main Street, the goals and strategies address improving accessibility between places, promoting walking and safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, compatibility with public transit, and less reliance on cars. Detailed in the report, the nine goals are:

  • Improve Pedestrian Access and Amenities
  • Improve Bicycle Access and Amenities
  • Increase Transit Use and Improve Connections
  • Advance Environmentally Friendly and Efficient Transportation Alternatives
  • Improve Access and Accessibility for Senior Transportation Services
  • Increase Signage between Downtowns and Commuter Rail Stations
  • Improve Access to Local and Regional Open Spaces and Recreation Destinations
  • Ensure Zoning and Development Regulations Coordinate with and Support Alternative Modes of Transportation
  • Ensure Transportation Infrastructure Compliance with State and Federal Accessibility Regulations

Public Process

Three interactive, Community Forums were held, one in each community, to present existing data and observations, and to gather input and suggestions from area residents, employees and business owners. Feedback from the Community Forums contributed to developing the Main Street Corridor Study.

  • Reading
  • Wakefield
  • Melrose

Press Coverage

For more information, contact MAPC Transportation Planner Alison Felix at 617-451-2770 x2048 or [email protected] , or MAPC Transportation Planner and Engineer Sarah Kurpiel at 617-451-2770 x2053 or [email protected].