Massachusetts Ride for Hire Electrification Working Group

Massachusetts Ride for Hire Electrification Working Group

Final Policy Brief | May 2021

Developed by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council
On Behalf of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy
and Environmental Affairs

Massachusetts Ride for Hire Electrification Working Group

As detailed in the Final Policy Brief, the Massachusetts Ride for Hire Electrification Working Group identified 14 proposals which are organized by four categories:

Vehicle Incentives

Charging Infrastructure

Dedicated Funding Sources

Education & Driver Incentives

The 14 proposals are inherently connected, and to enable widespread adoption of electric vehicles by individual drivers and the ride for hire companies (Transportation Network Company, Taxi, and Livery) themselves, proposals across all four categories need to happen in concert with each other. Furthermore, each proposal will need to be developed in detail by the identified implementer to allow for successful implementation.

Of the 14 proposals, five were identified by a majority of Working Group members to be given priority for implementation within the next year:

The Working Group members identified an overarching need for a strong statewide outreach and education program to all drivers about the benefits of electric vehicles and how to take advantage of existing state programs. In turn, TNCs, taxi, and livery companies could disseminate content and program opportunities to drivers to expand the state’s education and outreach efforts.