The Development Mitigation Strategies and Transportation Demand Management Toolkit is designed to help municipal planners, local officials, developers, citizen board members and advocates understand the transportation impacts of proposed development projects in their communities and identify potential solutions.
This Toolkit should be used as a guide to help establish standards and to provide a framework for evaluating the transportation impacts of development projects. Impact assessment methodologies are provided and potential mitigation measures are described, including support for Transportation Demand Management (TDM) approaches. MAPC staff can facilitate understanding the toolkit’s content as well as assist with issues pertaining to proposed development projects.
The Toolkit will be continuously updated and modified in response to feedback and recommendations from users. We encourage you to let us know how this resource can be improved (click here to provide feedback).
What is Development Mitigation?
Development mitigation is determined on- and off-site improvements for which a developer is responsible to offset the impacts on the transportation system. The project’s overall impact on traffic, municipal services, the environment, the local economy and the community are taken into consideration. When requesting mitigation, it is important to be explicit in what to ask for, when to ask for it and how to enforce it. Some mitigation tools can be used individually, while others require mutually supportive actions implemented cooperatively by public and private sector groups.
Learn more about development mitigation in Massachusetts:
- How Are Development Impacts Identified?
- What Are Possible Development Mitigation Strategies?
- What Are Municipalities Already Doing in the MAPC Region?
In addition, information and links are provided regarding Development Mitigation in Other States, Other Initiatives that Support Development Mitigation and Available Resources to support local Development mitigation efforts.