
Net Zero Case Studies



Cambridge, Boston, and Vancouver have each developed a Net Zero commitment and plans to achieve their goals. Explore these plans to see a range of approaches to achieving Net Zero commitments.


Getting to Net Zero Action Plan

In 2015, The City of Cambridge released a 25 year plan to reach net zero across all their buildings, old and new. Community members realized that if the city wanted to reach its goal of decreasing emissions, new stricter regulations would be needed for their rapid new construction. Community engagement led to the creation of the Getting to Net Zero Action Plan. Read More


Greenovate Boston: Smart Energy Use

Boston, along with other US cities, has agreed to follow the Paris Agreement and concurrently is one of 14 participating cities in the Metro Mayors Coalition. Boston has committed to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. Read More


Greenest City Action Plan
  • Commitments: "Greenest City" by 2020, 100% renewable energy by 2050, and reduce GHG emissions by 80% below 2007 levels before 2050.
  • Plan: Greenest City Action Plan

Vancouver has a goal of becoming the “Greenest City” in the world by 2020. Additionally the city aims to derive 100% of energy from renewable sources before 2050 and reducing GHG emissions by at least 80% below 2007 levels before 2050. While these goal sounds highly ambitious, Vancouver is well under way towards achieving them and has emerged as a worldwide leader in the fight against climate change. The Canadian city has created complementary strategic plans to achieve these goals which include the following: Greenest City Action Plan, Renewable City Strategy 2050, Zero Waste Vancouver, Climate Change Adaptation Strategy, and Neighborhood Energy Strategy. Read More