Clean Energy
Greening Our Grid Case Study & Fact Sheet
Melrose recently finished its first year of implementation of its green municipal aggregation program. Residents saved a total of $200,000 compared to the utility supply rate, and the community's impact could result in a 1-MW wind turbine being built in New England.
“Greening our Grid”, details MAPC’s new strategy to use municipal aggregation to help build new renewable energy in New England. These materials will help cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth and the nation to develop green municipal aggregation programs that will truly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fight climate change.
The fact sheet and case study explain how MAPC, working with the city of Melrose, developed the strategy that could help build new renewable energy, while still maintaining competitive prices and price stability.
The fact sheet also describes MAPC’s Community Electricity Aggregation PLUS program, designed to help our cities and towns implement aggregation with MAPC’s strategy for building new renewable energy. The program expands on MAPC’s portfolio of projects to assist our municipalities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through renewable energy, energy efficiency and other clean energy strategies.