Mystic Highlands Greenway
The goal of the Mystic Highlands Greenway is to develop a safe and inviting corridor for walking and cycling that connects several town centers, parks, transit, and established regional trail corridors. Included municipalities include Malden, Melrose, Wakefield, Stoneham, and Reading.
MAPC and state Senator Jason Lewis are leading a coalition to scope out, plan for, and implement this greenway corridor.
The Greenway will connect the Malden River paths, Tri-Community Greenway, Lynn Fells Parkway, Wakefield/Lynnfield Rail Trail, and Lake Quannapowitt.


Malden’s portion is called the Spot Pond Brook Greenway as it roughly follows the culverted brook.
- The City completed the Spot Pond Brook Greenway Feasibility Study in early 2021
- The first section of the Greenway was completed in 2020, at Oak Grove Station, with a MassDOT Grant
- The City received a Mass Trails grant in 2021, which will go toward design of sections of the greenway as recommended in the Feasibility Study

- The Town has signed the northern portion of the greenway as a bicycle route, largely on residential streets.
- A pilot project to implement protected bike lanes along Main St is under design for implementation in the Fall 2021

- MAPC has begun preparation of a bicycle and pedestrian master plan for the Town. The greenway route will be developed through the master plan process.
- Main St in the downtown area is under design for reconstruction. The project will included widened sidewalks, protected bike lanes, and landscaping treatments. This will allow the greenway to directly access the downtown and serve the businesses there.

The Town is working on other projects that will connect with the Greenway. Particularly scoping a loop trail around Spot Pond in the Middlesex Fells.
Feasibility studies to connect Reading to Lake Quannapowitt.

The MHG is envisioned as a corridor with priority for bicycling and walking, largely on low traffic residential streets as well protected bike lanes and sidewalks on the busier streets. As there is no former rail bed or other corridor available, the greenway largely will be located on the public street right-of-way.