Promoting Smart Growth & Regional Planning
JUNE 2018
Designing Parks and Playgrounds as Green Infrastructure for Stormwater and Climate Resilience
The project was conducted by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) with funding from the City of Chelsea as part of its Open Space and Recreation Plan update for 2018.
Chelsea has completed important planning for stormwater management, coastal flooding, and parks and open space. The intent of this plan is to build on existing efforts to create a framework for implementing green infrastructure through retrofits and/or redevelopment of Chelsea's parks and open space.
The following are identified as key strategies for successful green infrastructure in park system planning:
- Engaging communities on the benefits and designs of green infrastructure
- Maximizing the benefits of green infrastructure solutions with a physically connected network
- Enabling equitable access to parks and green infrastructure
- Specifying actions and funding sources to effectively implement at scale