
Route 128 Central Corridor Plan

The Route 128 Central Corridor Plan addresses the impacts of increased traffic volumes and seeks to reduce single occupancy trips while preserving quality of life and ensuring mobility.

Download the report in four parts:

The portion of Route 128 reviewed for this corridor plan is a 12.6 mile segment between I-90 and Route 3 North, through the communities of Weston, Waltham, Lincoln, Lexington, and Burlington.

The 128 Central Corridor Plan comprises five sections:

  • Key short-term and long-term recommendations the communities wish to pursue.
  • Inventory of the existing transportation system and land uses in the corridor communities.
  • Forecast of the area’s likely population and employment growth.
  • Identify the roadway reconstruction and management needs, the transit improvements, additional Transportation Demand Management (TDM) ideas, and land use concepts that can encourage walking, cycling, and public transit.
  • Ideas to fund the recommendations and broader concepts outlined in threport cover Route 128 Corridor plane Plan.

This Plan recognizes at the outset that many of the ideas and recommendations identified here need further analysis and may not be the only steps needed to rationalize transportation along and around the corridor.

The Route 128 Central Corridor communities have developed this Plan to educate the public, engage decision makers, and set priorities for the region as a first step in developing a concrete plan for implementation. Learn more about the process of this project