Topsfield Hazard Mitigation Plan and Municipal Vulnerability Plan

The Town of Topsfield, in continuing its proactive efforts to address climate threats, received a state Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Planning Grant to conduct a Community Resilience Building (CRB) Workshop. In the same general time frame, the Town also received a FEMA planning grant to prepare its first Hazard Mitigation Plan. The town bundled the two projects and sought technical assistance from the Metropolitan Area Planning Council to conduct them both concurrently.

Upon completion of the MVP program, Topsfield will be eligible to apply for MVP Action Grants to address identified climate risks, as well as FEMA hazard mitigation grants to implement projects that reduce the community’s vulnerability to natural hazards. The Town will also submit its Hazard Mitigation Plan to Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) and FEMA for review and approval. Upon approval, the Town will be eligible to apply for mitigation project grants under FEMA’s Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program.

June 2021: Draft Reports

Topsfield's draft Hazard Mitigation Plan 2021 Update and draft MVP Community Resilience Building Workshop Summary Report are available for download below.