Winthrop Visioning

Photo by acme401, Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Photo by acme401, Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Winthrop Visioning

January 2021: Final Plan Published

The Win2030 Vision lays out a vision for the Town of Winthrop over the next 10 years, key goals to achieve that vision, and actions that the Town and others can take to achieve those goals. The plan was developed through extensive public outreach and planning.

High-Level Goals

Housing and Neighborhoods

  • Mixed-use residential strategy with nearby shops
  • More trees: tree protection and planting program
  • Residential ground floor flood resiliency via zoning and building code measures
  • Housing options for families, millennials/young professionals, and seniors

Jobs and Economic Development

  • Transformative redevelopment
  • Leverage town properties, including full redevelopment option of former middle school site
  • Farmer's market
  • Outdoor events with food trucks and other vendors
  • Encourage waterfront businesses
  • Expand street amenities like lighting, seating, and shade trees
  • Opportunities for jobs, leisure, tourism, and tax base growth through retail shops, restaurants, and bars

Climate and Resilience

  • Infrastructure-based flood risk reduction strategies (living shoreline, seawalls, elevation, floodable infrastructure)
  • Provide flood risk guidance on how to reduce vulnerability with ground floor flooding
  • Living shorelines to mitigate beach erosion and wave damage
  • Pursue floodable infrastructure such as climate-smart parks

Public Facilities and Energy

  • Pursue streetscape amenities such as shade trees, benches, and signage
  • Energy reduction and options: collective solution for personal and municipal energy cost reduction (such as bulk energy purchasing). Proactive promotion of renewable energy options. Install solar on municipal buildings.

Open Space and Recreation

  • Priority parks for improvements: Winthrop Shore Reservation, Yirrell Beach, Ingleside Park
  • Coastal re-sanding and erosion
  • Tree plantings
  • More walking paths

Operational Service Delivery

  • Town service improvements: mobile phone app for town services, enhanced bus or trolley service between CBD and historic/recreational destinations
  • Energy costs reduction through weatherization and HVAC upgrades


  • Better transit/bus facilities (shelters, signs, benches, etc)
  • Enhanced service frequency and routes for buses to MBTA Blue Line, circulator shuttles/vans, connections to Beachmont and the Highlands, Winthrop Ferry improvements
  • Transit subsidies: partially subsidized MBTA passes to encourage transit use and reduce traffic

Schools and Education

  • Desired lifelong adult/workforce training programs: financial education and literacy, continued education for adults, ESL/EFL programs for adults and children, vocational-technical trades training, and online education expansion/awareness
  • Potential high impact opportunities: Niche WPS program anchored in Belle Isle Marsh Ecology Outdoor Learning Center and partnerships with businesses or organizations for unique specialty programs
  • Teach pay for job retention and competitiveness with neighboring communities

Winthrop Actionable Visioning 2020-2030

On this page:

Photo by Doug Kerr, Flick (CC BY-SA 2.0)
Photo by Doug Kerr, Flick (CC BY-SA 2.0)

The Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) is working with the Town of Winthrop to facilitate a public process for community input on how to develop a vision for the Town's future. The Winthrop community will have a chance to assess shorter-range quality of life and operational goals, as well as "big ideas" for potentially transformative initiatives in the future. The participation exercises will prioritize both of these types of ideas so that the Town can have a clear set of next steps.

Why Plan?

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Identify preservation, enhancement, and growth areas

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Leave a legacy
for the next generation

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Inform decisions
on policies, bylaws, and zoning


Provide mutual certainty
for residents and businesses


Provide context
for town decisions


We'll post materials here as time goes on! Check back for presentations, past meeting information, and more.

Presentation to Winthrop Town Council:
January 19, 2021

Community Forum:
October 15, 2020

A Zoom Community Forum was held on October 15, 2020. Watch the recording, download the presentation, and take the associated survey below.

First Online Open House:
May-June 2020

In May and June 2020, we solicited feedback from the community through an online open house. The open house is now closed, but you can view the background slides at the link below.

For More information, Contact:

Carlos Javier Montañez, MAPC Principal Planner & Project Manager, at [email protected]