
MetroFuture Walks & Talks: Tour of Drumlin Farm

On April 26th  Friday,August 3, 2012, the MetroFuture Walks & Talks program will visit Drumlin Farm, an active local farm in Lincoln, Massachusetts.  We will get a chance to explore the farm and field area and hear from a teacher naturalist about the challenges involved in growing and raising food locally and on a large scale.  We will also learn about the energy, quality of life, and ecological issues surrounding the food industry, including genetically modified food, land use, and management.  This is a great chance to learn about the everyday challenges that a working farm faces and to realize the enormous value that local farms bring to our region.

The Drumlin Farm Tour runs from 10 AM – 12 PM.  Make sure to dress appropriately as there will be some walking on dirt trails outdoors.  This is an all-weather event and it requires a fee of $9.25 per person that goes to Mass Audubon.

How is farming related to MetroFuture?

One of the strategies outlined in MAPC’s MetroFuture regional plan is to protect natural landscapes. Included in this strategy are recommendations to directly benefit local farms, such as building a stronger market for local agricultural products.  The MetroFuture plan also recommends increasing the use and effectiveness of “Right to Farm” bylaws that protect farmers and coordinating social and transportation services to link workers with farm employment, to provide a few examples.

About Drumlin Farm:

Drumlin Farm is a 232-acre wildlife sanctuary and working farm located in Lincoln, Massachusetts. The sanctuary features an array of natural habitats, including fields, shrublands, woodland, and wetlands. At the heart of the sanctuary is a working farm with both livestock and crops operations. A well maintained trail system, displays of native wildlife, and interactive features allow visitors and students to experience nature and explore sustainable farming.

In addition to the MetroFuture Walks & Talks tour, Drumlin Farm and Mass Audubon also provide many educational and volunteer opportunities.  So if you love your tour and want to help out at the farm, check out some volunteer opportunities here.

For information about the Tour of Drumlin Farm contact: Amanda Cleveland at [email protected] or 617-451-2770 x 2075.

Become a Friend of MetroFuture and learn about all of our upcoming Walks & Talks!

Amanda Cleveland, MAPC’s MetroFuture Coordinator