In partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), MAPC awarded wellness “mini-grants” to municipalities within Middlesex County that do not currently receive Mass in Motion funding from MDPH.
These grants will go towards projects that advance our goals for increasing opportunities for physical activity in communities; providing more smoke-free housing; and increasing options for healthy foods.
For example, the town of Carlisle will apply grant funds towards the education of landlords, tenants, and condominium associations on their options for tobacco bans, as well as the impact of tobacco smoke exposure, in order to increase the availability of smoke-free housing for Carlisle seniors living in multi-unit buildings.
The towns of Watertown, Woburn, and Lexington are all implementing Safe Routes to School initiatives that will improve the safety walking routes to school, as well as increase knowledge for parents and students about walking as an option for school transportation.
In addition to these communities, grants have also been awarded to the towns of Bedford and Tewksbury.
-Kate Ito, Public Health Research Analyst at MAPC