Essex Zoning Bylaw Review


Zoning Bylaw Review Project

About the Project

Essex's current zoning is unique - it allows residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to be constructed potentially anywhere with minimal requirements. This has resulted in conflicts when residents are surprised by new businesses opening near their homes. Most towns have zoning districts that guide where residential and neighborhood-oriented commercial uses can develop and where more intense commercial and industrial uses are more appropriate.

In Fall 2021, the Town of Essex worked with MAPC to begin the phased process of reviewing and updating its zoning bylaw. During Phase I of this work, the Town wanted to better understand its existing land use patterns and characteristics and hear from residents, business owners, and visitors on how it should proceed with the zoning revision process. MAPC helped the Town by conducting an audit of existing zoning regulations and organizing several different community engagement opportunities. Read the Essex Zoning Diagnostic report to learn more about what community members want to see in zoning reform.

MAPC helped the Town apply for a state Community One-Stop for Growth Planning Grant to fund Phase II. In Fall 2022, the grant was awarded, along with a technical assistance grant from MAPC.

Phase II has begun and focuses on implementing recommendations from the Zoning Diagnostic. First steps are to reorganize the bylaw to be more user-friendly. The Essex Planning Board and Board of Selectmen are guiding Phase II work. Several workshops and other engagement opportunities will be planned to continue to hear what community members want to see in bylaw amendments.


MAPC Contact

Courtney Lewis, Senior Regional Land Use Planner 

Town Contact

Brendhan Zubricki, Town Administrator




Dec 2022 – May 2023
Draft Zoning Amendments

Spring 2023
Community Workshops

May 2023
Town Meeting considers bylaw reorganization

Summer 2023
Refine bylaw amendments based on public feedback

Community Workshop

Fall 2023
Proposed bylaw amendments

Community Workshop and Office Hours

Based on public feedback, amendments may proceed to Planning Board and Town Meeting for review and adoption.

What's Happening Now?

December 6, 2023 Community Forum

Essex Planning Board and Board of Selectmen will host a community forum on December 6 at 7:00 p.m. to update the town’s zoning map. During the forum, the MAPC team will coordinate the Place Type Mapping exercise that is designed to help explore and identify areas where new zoning districts may be needed, as well as areas where existing zoning districts may need to be revised or updated. Engagement exercises are available virtually for residents who could not attend live or in-person.

Register on zoom to participate:

Past Events

Proposed Bylaw Reorganization Articles for May 1 Town Meeting

The Planning Board is working to implement Phase I’s Zoning Diagnostic. A zoning bylaw reorganization is on the warrant for May 1 Town Meeting (Articles 18 and 19). No substantive changes are proposed. The reorganization is intended to provide a better and more intuitive organization, grouping similar regulations in appropriate sections. Planning Board will hold a public hearing on April 19 at 7p.m.

Find out more:  

Overview of Reorganization 

Reorganized Zoning Bylaw 

May 1 Town Meeting Warrant 

April 12 Community Forum 

Essex Planning Board and Board of Selectmen hosted a community forum on April 12 to introduce the next phases of the Zoning Bylaw Review Project and hear what types of zoning changes residents would like to prioritize. Residents were also asked to share what they value most in Essex to inform a community vision.  

View the meeting recording and presentation below under “Past Meetings”. Engagement exercises are available virtually for residents who could not attend live or in-person.   

Take the survey before April 28: Go to the Survey!

About Zoning

Zoning is a critical tool used at the local level to shape a municipality through requirements and incentives for land use. Zoning provides the legal framework for what can and cannot be developed on every parcel of land in the community. This includes the types of uses that are or are not allowed, the massing and siting of structures, the amount of required parking, and environmental and open space considerations. Zoning is one of the key ways to achieve goals outlined in a community’s master plan or other long-range plans. Learn more about zoning and community planning. 

Past Meetings

April 12, 2023

Community Forum
MAPC introduced the next project phases. Residents shared what types of zoning changes should be prioritized and what they value most in Essex to inform a community vision. 

March 22, 2023

Joint Planning Board/Board of Selectman Meeting
Boards met to review project approach and prepare for the
April 12 public forum.

January 25, 2023

Joint Planning Board/Board of Selectman Meeting
Boards met to kick off Phase II, reviewing the project timeline and goals. MAPC reviewed findings from a Section 3A zoning review. The potential reorganization of the zoning bylaw was also discussed.

March 23, 2022

Attendees heard about results from a zoning survey conducted in February, draft zoning recommendations, and project next steps. The Essex Board of Selectmen shared draft state compliance guidelines for potential zoning amendments related to multi-family districts under Section 3A of the State Zoning Act.

Febuary 15, 2022

Attendees heard how other communities use zoning and shared ideas about how zoning in Essex could be updated.
Note: The presentation included maps with an incorrect boundary for the Downtown zoning district. The maps have been reflected to show the correct boundary, which includes only Main Street (Route 133) and Martin Street (Route 22).

Community Feedback

Zoning Survey Results Available

428 people completed the survey about zoning in Essex, which was open from February 15 to March 1. Respondents answered questions about how the current zoning bylaw is working for them and what they’d like to see changed.


View Results Summary
View All Survey Results